We are proud to have our Whale Poo Seamulation in English online. This interactive website takes you into the ocean and helps you understand how important the role of whales play towards climate change and biodiversity.
Late summer this year, we had the WhalePooSeamulation developed in the Dutch language. Now it is available in English as well. A logical step since whales are everywhere on our planet.
Whales are the engineers and farmers of the ocean! They have an unprecedented huge impact on the global ecosystem. With their fecal plumes, they fertilize the phytoplankton that absorbs the CO2 from the atmosphere and produce the oxygen we breathe. They also store carbon in their bodies and bring nutrients to the ocean surface. In short, whales are climate engineers who also ensure that the marine food cycle continues to run.
To have you experience this yourself, we have developed the interactive Whale Poo Seamulation. Do dive into the ocean end learn about the important role whales play.
Please share the Seamulation with your friends and family. And let us know what you think of it!
The Whale Poo Seamulation is made possible by the Whale Poo Ambassadors of the Rugvin Foundation, clothing brand Joe Merino and the NOMAXX web designers