European Cetacean Society Conference 2022 in Ashdod, Israël

European Cetacean Society Conference 2022 in Ashdod, Israël

We are pleased to announce that the 33rd annual European Cetacean Society conference will be taking place in Ashdod, on the Mediterranean coast of Israel from 5-7 April 2022. This will be the first hybrid event in the history of the ECS, and the first to be held outside of the European borders – we are very excited for this unique opportunity to host you all. The theme of this year’s conference is:
Marine mammal research and conservation effort –  Are we on the right path?
The development of marine mammal research goes a long way back, but… are we headed in the right direction? Have we succeeded in our efforts to protect endangered species, biodiversity, and marine mammal habitats while maintaining the ethical treatment of animals?
In the upcoming ECS conference in Ashdod, we propose to challenge the conventional approach to marine mammal science and raise critical questions on the past, present, and future to ensure that the shared goal – marine mammal conservation – is, indeed, being aptly pursued.

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